Monday, February 28

dreams of designing that are driving me CRAZY

I have an addiction.
to all things beautiful.
i don't mind it much in fact i absolutely love it, the only problem with this is that i don't have near enough money to sattisfy my ever growing need for plush wondrous items in my home. so far i have bought none of them, thankfully. but my first to do project was supposed to be my bedroom. i can't figure out how i want it! i don't know if i want neutral colors or bold, simple patterns or lavish, white furniture or black/brown. i am totally lost. totes mcgoats.


definitly paired with this...

but then i see.....

it's all just a mess.

WE tanner and danielle mclean are moving............
just for the sum sum, don't worry.
the cost of living in CA is far to high to ever be imagined in my budget as of now, even though you make more. hmmm maybe after spending the summer there i can convince tanner to actually move there for good. what do you think? probably not, but it's worth dreaming about.

i shall wait to decorate my home until we are back from living it up aka working out butts off in Cali this summer. hopefully when we get back from the summer we will be moving downtown, so i can be closer to both work and school which will give us full use of our car. we have two cars, but tanners isn't in the best shape nor is it registered ha ha woops. so he drives my car to work while i take tracks downtown. i can't wait to move to a little apartment in downtown with hopefully much better light and then i can let my imagination take control. oh how beautiul it will be.

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